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Photography | Graphic Design

|Branding Projects

Live Projects

October 22nd 2022

Makeup Artist Laura Melissa Scalere, Website Build + Maintenance:

June 17th 2021

Comedian/Actor Aaron Sabater, Website Redesign:

June 16th 2020

WCSU Football 50th Anniversary Timeline

In February of 2022, Alessandra was appointed the inter-agency liaison between Mariano Rivera Toyota, and News 12 Westchester, to help shoot the multi-spot, bilingual sales and service department commercials. She assisted with scene setup, microphone adjustments, and even shot the establishing shots for all of the different locations.

En febrero de 2022, Alessandra fue nombrada enlace interinstitucional entre Mariano Rivera Toyota y News 12 Westchester, para ayudar a filmar los comerciales bilingües del departamento de servicio y ventas en múltiples espacios. Ayudó con la configuración de la escena, los ajustes del micrófono e incluso tomó las tomas de establecimiento para todas las diferentes ubicaciones.

The following images are from a website created for Makeup Artist Laura Melissa Scalere. Melissa hired Alessandra in October of 2022 to design a website for her, where she could display examples of her work, as well as interact with her clientele. Melissa has since hired Alessandra to maintain her website full-time. Visit the site at

The following images are from a website redesign for Comedian/Actor Aaron Sabater. Aaron hired Alessandra in June of 2021 to redesign his portfolio website, as well photograph his show at the Vspot on July 9th, 2021. Aaron has since hired Alessandra to maintain his website full-time, as well as work as his tour photographer as venues begin to open back up. For more of the duo's work, visit Aaron's site at

The following stationary set showcases Alessandra's personal branding pieces including, from left to right, resume, blank letterhead, letterhead with a dummy cover letter, business card front, business card back, and envelope.


The following animations were created for the Western Connecticut State University Publications & Design Office. The goal of creating the animated logos, as well as future animated logo variations, is to create a new wave of branding to generate interest in on-campus events and activities. 

The following pieces were created for a multi-component product design for a fabricated floral shop, called "Succulent City," that specializes in succulents and greenery.

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